Jessica and Chad :: Tom Ham’s Lighthouse

Small is beautiful – and this amazing little wedding took place at Tom Ham’s Lighthouse on Harbor Island in San Diego. After getting ready at the Hilton I walked to the wedding venue (Loved that part!!) to wait for the bride. Tom Ham’s has gone through some significant renovations in the past year and I absolutely loved the new layout with bright interior rooms and a new ceremony site out front. As for the wedding itself – rarely have I seen more smiles at ANY event before… I love these guys!!

Lao Wedding – San Diego

I’m a huge fan of variety in weddings – so when I was told of a Laos ceremony in the morning followed by a more “western” ceremony in the afternoon I was very excited. Laos is a small country sitting between Thailand and Vietnam, and from what I understand there are a lot of similarities between traditional Thai weddings and traditional Lao weddings. This was my first Lao wedding so I did not have a basis for comparison, but it was full of fascinating traditions (including a bribe to the parents of the bride…) and it had an absolutely elegant traditional wardrobe and styling. I decided that this wedding would be a really cool set of pictures to put in a slideshow so here it is.!i=2662884199&k=JdGhSM2&lb=1&s=A

The afternoon ceremony took place at Island Palms in San Diego

Kelsey and Steve Engagement Photos

Kelsey is soon to be my baby boy’s pre-school teacher, although our family has already gotten to know her pretty well. I was very excited for her first when she told me she was getting married, and then when she announced that she wanted me to be her wedding photographer. I had not yet met Steve so we arranged a meeting and immediately began planning their engagement photos. Our session 3 days ago started at Old Poway Park before returning to the magical trail behind my home.

Superstition Mountain

When Fallyn first called me to tell me she wanted me to be her wedding photographer… and that the wedding was “out in the desert” I knew I was in for a treat. Of course – what inspired me to leave my SUV at home in favor of the hybrid sedan is another matter all together (but I still managed to show up early). This wedding fulfilled all expectations with an absolutely stunning location and a beautiful wedding with good friends and family. Not even the 95 degree heat could put a damper on this spectacular celebration.

San Dieguito Engagement Photos

Winter is an absolutely wonderful time to do engagement photos in San Diego. We met at San Dieguito Park after some slightly more ambitious plans involving mountain bikes fell apart – and although I was disappointed the original plans do not happen… I was super happy with “Plan B”. Wedding to come in August !!

Engagement photos at Old Poway

Courtney and Jordan were troopers yesterday morning… morning temperatures were in the high 30’s and they still agreed to meet me at 8AM for some nice early morning light.  But as is so often the case… the results are worth the effort as we had absolutely spectacular conditions for these photos.  Fortunately for all of us the temps started climbing pretty fast under the beautiful morning sun.

Old Poway Park has been a favorite location of mine for a long time – but I’ve never been able to talk anyone into getting up so early to do their pictures, so I was thrilled to have such a great looking couple keen to make great images with me.