New Children’s Museum – Mass Cr8ivity

Video Production

Mass Cr8ivity was a series of 8 community workshops with 4 artists that took place around San Diego. The culminating event took place at The New Children’s Museum in Downtown San Diego, and we were brought in to provide both photo and video coverage from this final event. The day was really diverse with lots of different art activities geared to all age groups – so there was no shortage of fun material to sort through when it came time to put this final production together.!i=2629101647&k=md7n2sd&lb=1&s=A

La Jolla Elopement

San Diego Weddings

To elope, most literally, merely means to run away and to not come back to the point of origination. Some people think that elopements are not romantic and not special – but I would have to strongly disagree with that opinion. This incredibly romantic wedding on the shores of La Jolla had only one witness (me) and the whole experience was pure joy.

The advantage of this being an elopement is that we were not tied to plans or a timetable. Being the 4th of July we were all worried about getting in and around La Jolla so I arrived an hour and a half early, which by coincidence was EXACTLY when the happy couple arrived. Rather than get married first do pictures second, we decided to get started on the pictures right away. And as we were walking and shooting (and getting hotter-and-hotter) somebody came up with the brilliant idea of jumping in the ocean right after the wedding.

The ceremony was performed by Rev Christopher Tuttle from

California Tour L’Etape

Sports Photography

I have a long history of covering Mountain Bike events… but I have not had a lot of opportunity to photograph road racing. So when I was offered the chance to cover The Tour L’Etape in Escondido this year I was thrilled. The route took the riders up Mt Palomar from Escondido so it was a formidable climb, but it was a beautiful day and the roads were surprisingly quiet.
I decided that since I was not offered an official support vehicle (motorcycle) this year – I really needed to maximize my opportunity to get some photos when I had the chance. I was able to set up in 2 locations during the race (I beat the racers to the top of the mountain after shooting my first location) so I decided to use 2 cameras simultaneously in both locations so I could get 4 completely unique set of images. At both locations I used a telephoto lens to catch the riders at a distance, and then I had a remotely triggered camera to catch a wide-angle shot as they came past me.
If you are looking to purchase photos of yourself from this race – please visit Scott Christopher Stolarz Photography

Location 1

Location 2

2013 Tour L'Etape Mt Palomar
Tour of California Mount Palomar Bike

Shelby visits San Diego

San Diego Family Photography

A couple of years ago I had the pleasure of photographing a really nice beach wedding in Mission Bay for Brian and Heather so I was thrilled when they told me they were coming to town with an adorable new bundle in tow. I met up with them this morning for some quiet beach time before the crowds picked up – and Baby Shelby was (almost) perfect :). Everyone insisted it was OK to get some pictures at the rare moments when she got fussy so I was sure to include one here!!

Kelsey and Steve Engagement Photos


Kelsey is soon to be my baby boy’s pre-school teacher, although our family has already gotten to know her pretty well. I was very excited for her first when she told me she was getting married, and then when she announced that she wanted me to be her wedding photographer. I had not yet met Steve so we arranged a meeting and immediately began planning their engagement photos. Our session 3 days ago started at Old Poway Park before returning to the magical trail behind my home.

Casey + Cathy = Married

San Diego Weddings

Its always fun shooting weddings when you already know the bride and groom – so this was a very special wedding.  Not only are Casey and Cathy my neighbors – but I actually traveled to Santa Barbara last year to photograph the surprise proposal.  This wedding took place at the Sheraton in Carlsbad with the portrait session happening nearby at the San Diego Botanical Gardens (aka Quail Botanical Gardens).

The day was long but super fun – and as a result of those 2 things (long day and fun time) I shattered my record for the most pictures I have ever taken at a wedding.  In fact, while I was creating this blog post I was struggling to narrow down my list of favorite images to get below my top 200.

Wildflower Triathlon 2013

Sports Photography

The Wildflower Triathlon is one of my favorite events to travel to each year. It is a 2-day festival on remote Lake San Antonio with camping onsite and thousands of participants competing in half Ironman (70.3), Mountain Bike Triathlon, and Olympic distance triathlon. This year had extreme contrasts in weather from Saturday to Sunday with temperatures in the 90’s on Saturday and the a sprinkling of rain with temperatures in the 60’s on Sunday.

World Triathlon San Diego

Sports Photography

There are eight events that comprise the World Triathlon Series and San Diego marks the second stop of the tour. The full event spans several days and includes individual races for Elite Men and Elite Women – but between those two Pro races, an amateur “Age Group” race takes place on the same course. The age group race kicks off shortly after sunrise and the starts are staggered so it can be difficult to tell “who won” the race until results from each of the categories come in. But ultimately most of the athletes are racing against the clock and themselves, so the ability to compete on the exact same course as the best in the world is a great thrill on its own.